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StartLeft can also be deployed as a standalone REST server if you prefer to communicate via API. In this operation mode, StartLeft returns the OTM file in the HTTP response. You can launch the application as a server with the following command:

startleft server

The --help option provides more details about the usage:

startleft server --help
Usage: startleft server [OPTIONS]...

  Launches the REST server to generate OTMs from requests

  -p, --port INTEGER  StartLeft deployment port.
  --help              Show this message and exit.
If not specified, port 5000 will be used by default.

You can see and try the endpoints provided by opening the following URL in a web browser: http://localhost:5000/docs


When executing startleft server the following command-line message indicates that StartLeft's REST API is ready:

Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Additional options

You can also set general StartLeft options when using the API mode. More information on the Command Line Interface page or with the command startleft --help server.

For example, to launch the server with a log level of DEBUG for testing purposes you can use the following command:

startleft --log-level DEBUG server


This section describes all the available endpoints, their parameters, and example requests and responses.

Example files

Refer to each specific format section for example files to use.


GET /health
This endpoint can be used to check the status of the application and its version.

curl localhost:5000/health
    "status": "OK",
    "version": "1.10.0",
    "components": {
        "StartLeft": "OK"


POST /api/v1/startleft/iac
Request Body:
    iac_file:                   Required. File that contains the IaC definition. If you want to add more than one IaC file, you need to duplicate this tag as many times as files you want to upload.
    iac_type:                   Required. Type of the IaC file: [CLOUDFORMATION, TERRAFORM]
    id                          Required. ID of the new project
    name                        Required. Name of the new project
    default_mapping_file        Required. File that contains the default mapping file between the diagram resources and threat model resources
    custom_mapping_file         Optional. File that contains the custom user mapping file between the diagram resources and threat model resources
This endpoint accepts one or more IaC source files (currently Cloudformation or Terraform),a mapping file, and an optional custom mapping file, and generates an OTM with the resulting threat modeling content.

mapping_file parameter is DEPRECATED

In previous version mapping_file parameter was used instead default_mapping_file, now you can send one or the other until mapping_file parameter is definitely deleted and only default_mapping_file will be accepted.

curl --location \
--request POST localhost:5000/api/v1/startleft/iac \
--header "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--form iac_type="CLOUDFORMATION" \
--form iac_file=@"./resources_cft_file.json" \
--form iac_file=@"./networks_cft_file.json" \
--form default_mapping_file=@"./default-mapping.yaml" \
--form custom_mapping_file=@"./custom-mapping.yaml" \
--form id="cft-to-otm-example" \
--form name="CFT to OTM example"
    "otmVersion": "0.1.0",
    "project": {
        "name": "CFT to OTM example",
        "id": "cft-to-otm-example"
    "representations": [
            "name": "CloudFormation",
            "id": "CloudFormation",
            "type": "code"
    "trustZones": [...],
    "components": [...],
    "dataflows": [...]

You can download the example files from the examples directory.


POST /api/v1/startleft/diagram
Request Body:
    diag_file:                  Required. File that contains the diagram
    diag_type:                  Required. Type of the diagram file: [VISIO, LUCID]
    id                          Required. ID of the new project
    name                        Required. Name of the new project
    default_mapping_file        Required. File that contains the default mapping file between the diagram resources and threat model resources
    custom_mapping_file         Optional. File that contains the custom user mapping file between the diagram resources and threat model resources
This endpoint accepts one diagram source file (currently only in Visio format, including diagrams exported from Lucidchart), a mapping file, and an optional custom mapping file, and generates an OTM with the resulting threat modeling content.

curl --location \
--request POST localhost:5000/api/v1/startleft/diagram \
--header "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--form diag_type="VISIO" \
--form diag_file=@"./visio-basic-example.vsdx" \
--form default_mapping_file=@"./default-mapping.yaml" \
--form custom_mapping_file=@"./custom-mapping.yaml" \
--form id="vsdx-to-otm-example" \
--form name="VSDX to OTM example"
    "otmVersion": "0.1.0",
    "project": {
        "name": "VSDX to OTM example",
        "id": "vsdx-to-otm-example"
    "representations": [
            "name": "Visio",
            "id": "Visio",
            "type": "diagram",
            "size": {
                "width": 1000,
                "height": 1000
    "trustZones": [...],
    "components": [...],
    "dataflows": [...]

You can download the visio-basic-example.vsdx from here.

  - label:  Public Cloud
    type:   Public Cloud
    id:     b61d6911-338d-46a8-9f39-8dcd24abfe91

  - label:  Amazon EC2
    type:   ec2

  - label:  Database
    type:   rds

dataflows: []
  - label:  Private Secured Cloud
    type:   Private Secured
    id:     2ab4effa-40b7-4cd2-ba81-8247d29a6f2d

  - label:  My Custom Machine
    type:   empty-component

  - label:  My Custom VPC
    type:   empty-component

dataflows: []

External threat model

POST /api/v1/startleft/external-threat-model
Request Body:
    source_file:                Required. File that contains the threat model
    source_type:                Required. Type of the threat model file: MTMT
    id                          Required. ID of the new project
    name                        Required. Name of the new project
    default_mapping_file        Required. File that contains the default mapping file between the source threat model resources and the resulting threat model resources
This endpoint accepts one threat modeling source file (currently only Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool) and a mapping file, and generates an OTM with the resulting threat modeling content.

curl --location \
--request POST localhost:5000/api/v1/startleft/external-threat-model \
--header "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--form source_type="MTMT" \
--form source_file=@"./MTMT_example.tm7" \
--form default_mapping_file=@"./mtmt_default_mapping_example.yaml" \
--form id="tm7-to-otm-example" \
--form name="TM7 to OTM example"
    "otmVersion": "0.1.0",
    "project": {
    "name": "TM7 to OTM example",
    "id": "tm7-to-otm-example"
    "representations": [
            "name": "Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool",
            "id": "Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool",
            "type": "threat-model"
            "name": "tm7-to-otm-example Diagram Representation",
            "id": "tm7-to-otm-example-diagram",
            "type": "diagram",
            "size": {
                "width": 2000,
                "height": 2000
    "trustZones": [...],
    "components": [...],
    "dataflows": [...],
    "threats": [...],
    "mitigations": [...]

You can download the example files from the examples directory.

Error management

Refer to the Errors Management page to learn about the different error responses when StartLeft is operating in API mode.


It is also possible to launch StartLeft's server directly through Uvicorn. This could be useful, for example, to deploy it in a container.

Example command:

uvicorn startleft.startleft.api.fastapi_server:webapp --host --port 5000 --log-level critical