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Additional JMESPath functions

This mapping configuration only applies to Terraform Processor.

Please refer to another mapping file configuration documentation if needed. You can locate each processor's documentation in the left menu under the "StartLeft Processors (SLP)" section.

Parsing of IaC files may be sometimes complex, so that the built-in JMESPath functions are not enough. For that cases, a set of custom functions has been created to simplify and make more powerful the creation of mapping files.

JMESPath functions


The re_sub function replaces the occurrences of pattern with replace in the given string.

def _func_re_sub(self, pattern, replace, origin_string)

For example, we may want to replace colon characters with hyphens such as in re_sub('[:]', '-', 'stack:subnet').


The squash_terraform function takes a nested object of objects, and squashes them into a list of objects, injecting the parent "key" to the child object as "_key".

def _func_squash_terraform(self, obj)

These have a root Resources object whose top level keys are the resource names which have the resource objects as values. This structure is hard to iterate over without losing the important name key. So you can use squash it and refer to the name through the _key field.

name:    {$path: "_key"}
$source: {$root: "Resources|squash_terraform(@)[?Type=='aws_instance']"}


The tail function returns the characters of a given string from the count index onwards. It is equivalent to python's string[count:].

def _func_tail(self, string, count)


The get function takes a dictionary array of components whose root key is the type of the component. The other argument is a component type to filter the array. It returns a component dictionary whose root key is the name of the component that also includes a Type and a _key keys with the component type and the component name respectively.

def _func_get(self, obj_arr, component_type)

The get function is mainly used for Terraform mappings in order to retrieve components by their type. An example of its use is: resource|get(@, 'aws_subnet').


This function is equivalent to get, but instead of using the component_type argument to perform an exact filter, the target component type must starts with it.

def _func_get_starts_with(self, obj_arr, component_type)


The split function is the equivalent to the python's one. It breaks a given string based on a given separator and returns the resulting array of strings. It is equivalent to python's split function.

def _func_split(self, string, separator)

For instance, this function is used in Terraform mappings to retrieve the name of a referenced component, whose naming structure is component-type.component-name.some-field. In this case, the name is retrieved as: split(component, '.')[1].


The get_module_terraform function takes a dict array of Terraform modules (not resources) and a component type, which is the key to filter the array comparing against 'source' module property. Returns an OTM component dict whose root key is the name of the component that also includes a Type and a _key keys with the module type (AWS type) and the module name (custom name) respectively.

def _func_get_module_terraform(self, modules, module_type)