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Command Line Interface (CLI)

Serverless CLI mode is the original Startleft operation mode where:

  • Startleft runs as a standalone application.

  • Execution is performed via CLI in local machine.

  • Input files are in local machine.

  • Mapping file may be Startleft default or another user-defined may be specified.

Command Help

For help, just run startleft without arguments:

$ startleft
Usage: startleft [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Parse IaC and other files to the Open Threat Model format

                                  Set the log level.
  -v, --verbose / -nv, --no-verbose
                                  Makes logging more verbose.
  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

  parse     Parses source files into Open Threat Model
  search    Searches source files for the given query
  server    Launches the REST server to generate OTMs from requests
  summary   Generates a summary CSV file of the given source files
  validate  Validates a mapping or OTM file
You can also get help for specific commands.

Example for parse command help
    $ startleft parse --help
    Usage: startleft parse [OPTIONS] SOURCE_FILE...
    Parses source files into Open Threat Model

      -t, --iac-type [CLOUDFORMATION|TERRAFORM]
                                      The IaC file type. NOTE: This argument is
                                      mutually exclusive with  arguments:
                                      [custom_mapping_file, etm_type,
                                      diagram_type, default_mapping_file].
      -g, --diagram-type [VISIO|LUCID]      
                                      The diagram file type. NOTE: This
                                      argument is mutually exclusive with
                                      arguments: [mapping_file, iac_type].
      -e, --etm-type [MTMT]           
                                      The etm file type. NOTE: This argument is
                                      mutually exclusive with  arguments:
                                      [mapping_file, diagram_type, iac_type].
      -m, --mapping-file TEXT         
                                      Mapping file to parse the IaC file. NOTE:
                                      This argument is mutually exclusive with
                                      arguments: [etm_type, default_mapping_file,
                                      diagram_type, custom_mapping_file].
      -d, --default-mapping-file TEXT
                                      Default mapping file to parse the diagram
                                      file. NOTE: This argument is mutually
                                      exclusive with  arguments: [mapping_file,
      -c, --custom-mapping-file TEXT  
                                      Custom mapping file to parse the diagram
      -o, --output-file TEXT          OTM output file.
      -n, --project-name TEXT         Project name.  [required]
      -i, --project-id TEXT           Project id.  [required]
      --help                          Show this message and exit.

Command Summary

The list of commands that can be used to work in CLI mode is detailed as follows:

Command Description
parse Parses source files into Open Threat Model.
validate Validates a mapping or OTM file.
search Searches source files for the given query.
server Launches the REST server to generate OTMs from requests.
summary Generate a summary CSV file.


This command is used for parsing source files into the Open Threat Model format.

The options that it supports are:

                                  The IaC file type. NOTE: This argument is
                                  mutually exclusive with  arguments:
                                  [diagram_type, etm_type]. [required]
  -g, --diagram-type [VISIO|LUCID]
                                  The diagram file type. NOTE: This argument
                                  is mutually exclusive with  arguments:
                                  [etm_type, iac_type]. [required]
  -e, --etm-type [MTMT]           The etm file type. NOTE: This argument is
                                  mutually exclusive with  arguments:
                                  [diagram_type, iac_type]. [required]
  -d, --default-mapping-file TEXT
                                  Default mapping file to parse the diagram
                                  file. [required]
  -c, --custom-mapping-file TEXT  Custom mapping file to parse the diagram
  -o, --output-file TEXT          OTM output file.
  -n, --project-name TEXT         Project name.  [required]
  -i, --project-id TEXT           Project id.  [required]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Notice that the argument with the IaC or diagram file name to parse is not preceded by a parameter

startleft parse \
--iac-type TERRAFORM \
--mapping-file iriusrisk-tf-aws-mapping.yaml \
--output-file multinetwork_security_groups_with_lb.otm \
--project-name "Terraform MN Security Groups with LB" \
--project-id "tf-mn-sg-lb" \
Parsing source files into OTM
Parsing IaC source files into OTM
Validating Terraform file
Mapping file size is valid
Loading schema file 'iac_tf_mapping_schema.json'
Mapping files are valid
Mapping files are valid
Mapping file size is valid
Loading mapping data
Adding trustzones
Added 2 trustzones successfully
Adding components
Added 22 components successfully
Adding dataflows
Added 22 dataflows successfully
Loading schema file 'otm_schema.json'
OTM file schema is valid
OTM file has consistent IDs
OTM file validated successfully
Writing OTM file to 'multinetwork_security_groups_with_lb.otm'
  "otmVersion": "0.1.0",
  "project": {
    "name": "Terraform MN Security Groups with LB",
    "id": "tf-mn-sg-lb"
  "representations": [
      "name": "Terraform",
      "id": "Terraform",
      "type": "code"
  "trustZones": [
      "id": "b61d6911-338d-46a8-9f39-8dcd24abfe91",
      "name": "Public Cloud",
      "risk": {
        "trustRating": 10
      "id": "f0ba7722-39b6-4c81-8290-a30a248bb8d9",
      "name": "Internet",
      "risk": {
        "trustRating": 10
  "components": [
      "id": "b61d6911-338d-46a8-9f39-8dcd24abfe91.aws_vpc-customvpc",
      "name": "CustomVPC",
      "type": "vpc",
      "parent": {
        "trustZone": "b61d6911-338d-46a8-9f39-8dcd24abfe91"
      "tags": [
      "id": "b61d6911-338d-46a8-9f39-8dcd24abfe91.aws_vpc-customvpc.aws_subnet-privatesubnet1",
      "name": "PrivateSubnet1",
      "type": "empty-component",
      "parent": {
        "component": "b61d6911-338d-46a8-9f39-8dcd24abfe91.aws_vpc-customvpc"
      "tags": [
    [...] Reduced for simplicity

You can also parse more than one IaC file as in this other example:

startleft parse \
--project-name "cft_multiple_files_project" \
--project-id cft_multiple_files_project_id \
--mapping-file iriusrisk-cft-mapping.yaml \
networks_cft_file.json \
Parsing source files into OTM
Parsing IaC source files into OTM
Validating CloudFormation file
Mapping file size is valid
Loading schema file 'iac_cft_mapping_schema.json'
Mapping files are valid
Mapping files are valid
Mapping file size is valid
Loading mapping data
Adding trustzones
Added 2 trustzones successfully
Adding components
Added 22 components successfully
Adding dataflows
Added 22 dataflows successfully
Loading schema file 'otm_schema.json'
OTM file schema is valid
OTM file has consistent IDs
OTM file validated successfully
Writing OTM file to 'threatmodel.otm'
  "otmVersion": "0.1.0",
  "project": {
    "name": "cft_multiple_files_project",
    "id": "cft_multiple_files_project_id"
  "representations": [
      "name": "CloudFormation",
      "id": "CloudFormation",
      "type": "code"
  "trustZones": [
      "id": "b61d6911-338d-46a8-9f39-8dcd24abfe91",
      "name": "Public Cloud",
      "risk": {
        "trustRating": 10
      "id": "f0ba7722-39b6-4c81-8290-a30a248bb8d9",
      "name": "Internet",
      "risk": {
        "trustRating": 10
  "components": [
      "id": "b61d6911-338d-46a8-9f39-8dcd24abfe91.customvpc",
      "name": "CustomVPC",
      "type": "vpc",
      "parent": {
        "trustZone": "b61d6911-338d-46a8-9f39-8dcd24abfe91"
      "tags": [
      "id": "b61d6911-338d-46a8-9f39-8dcd24abfe91.customvpc.privatesubnet1",
      "name": "PrivateSubnet1",
      "type": "empty-component",
      "parent": {
        "component": "b61d6911-338d-46a8-9f39-8dcd24abfe91.customvpc"
      "tags": [
[...] Reduced for simplicity

There are different combinations that we can use, but we have to take into account the above required arguments. An example of a diagram parse is shown below.

startleft parse \
--diagram-type VISIO \
--default-mapping-file iriusrisk-visio-aws-mapping.yaml \
--output-file visio-basic-example.otm \
--project-name "VISIO Basic Example" \
--project-id "vs-bs-ex" \
Parsing source files into OTM
Parsing diagram source files into OTM
Validating visio file
Mapping file size is valid
Loading schema file 'diagram_mapping_schema.json'
Mapping files are valid
Mapping files are valid
Mapping file size is valid
Loading mapping data
Loading schema file 'otm_schema.json'
OTM file schema is valid
OTM file has consistent IDs
OTM file validated successfully
Writing OTM file to 'visio-basic-example.otm'
  "otmVersion": "0.1.0",
  "project": {
    "name": "VISIO Basic Example",
    "id": "vs-bs-ex"
  "representations": [
      "name": "Visio",
      "id": "Visio",
      "type": "diagram",
      "size": {
        "width": 1000,
        "height": 1000
  "trustZones": [
      "id": "b61d6911-338d-46a8-9f39-8dcd24abfe91",
      "name": "Public Cloud",
      "risk": {
        "trustRating": 10
      "id": "2ab4effa-40b7-4cd2-ba81-8247d29a6f2d",
      "name": "Private Secured",
      "risk": {
        "trustRating": 10
  "components": [
      "id": "12",
      "name": "My EC2",
      "type": "ec2",
      "parent": {
        "trustZone": "b61d6911-338d-46a8-9f39-8dcd24abfe91"
      "id": "30",
      "name": "Private Database",
      "type": "rds",
      "parent": {
        "trustZone": "2ab4effa-40b7-4cd2-ba81-8247d29a6f2d"
  "dataflows": [
      "id": "34",
      "name": "998dcc87-ab45-4ac5-9e6a-62d08ce73a20",
      "source": "12",
      "destination": "30"

Differences between parsing Diagram and IaC files

We have seen that there are some differences when parsing diagram and IaC files. Here we will detail what they are and how to proceed.

Option Description Diagram IaC Example
None The IaC / diagram file to parse. Required Required
-t, --iac-type The IaC file type. - Required TERRAFORM
-g, --diagram-type The diagram file type. Required - VISIO
-m, --mapping-file Mapping file to parse the IaC file. - Required iriusrisk-tf-aws-mapping.yaml
-d, --default-mapping-file Default mapping file to parse the diagram file. Required - iriusrisk-visio-aws-mapping.yaml
-c, --custom-mapping-file Custom mapping file to parse the diagram file. Optional - custom-visio-aws-mapping.yaml
-o, --output-file OTM output file. Optional Optional visio-basic-example.otm
-n, --project-name Project name. Required Required "VISIO Basic Example"
-i, --project-id Project id. Required Required "vs-bs-ex"

If we want to parse an IaC file, we should specify:

  • The IaC file we want to parse.
  • The IaC type.
  • The mapping file we want to use to parse the IaC file.
  • The project name.
  • The project id.
  • Optionally the name of the OTM output file.
Correct example for IaC
startleft parse \
--iac-type TERRAFORM \
--mapping-file iriusrisk-tf-aws-mapping.yaml \
--output-file elb.otm \
--project-name "Terraform ELB example" \
--project-id "tf-elb-ex" \
Incorrect example for IaC

startleft parse \
--iac-type TERRAFORM \
--default-mapping-file iriusrisk-tf-aws-mapping.yaml \
--project-name "Terraform ELB example" \
--project-id "tf-elb-ex" \
The --mapping-file option is missed and the diagram --default-mapping-file option is added to parse an IaC file.

On the other hand, if we want to parse a diagram file, we should specify the following options:

  • The diagram file we want to parse.
  • The diagram's type.
  • The default mapping file we want to use to parse the diagram file.
  • Optionally, the custom mapping file that we have created to parse the diagram file.
  • The project's name.
  • The project id.
  • Optionally the name of the OTM output file.
Correct example for diagram
startleft parse \
--diagram-type VISIO \
--default-mapping-file iriusrisk-visio-aws-mapping.yaml \
--output-file aws-with-tz-and-vpc.otm \
--project-name "Aws with tz and vpt" \
--project-id "vs-aws-tz-vpc" \
Incorrect example for diagram

startleft parse \
--diagram-type VISIO \
--custom-mapping-file iriusrisk-visio-aws-mapping.yaml \
--project-name "Aws with tz and vpt" \
--project-id "vs-aws-tz-vpc" \
The --default-mapping-file option is missed.


Validation is a CLI-specific feature and is used to validate both OTM and mapping files.

The full set of options are:

Usage: startleft validate [OPTIONS]

  Validates a mapping or OTM file

  -m, --mapping-file TEXT         Mapping file to validate. NOTE: This
                                  argument is mutually exclusive with
                                  arguments: [otm_file]. [required]
                                  Mapping file type to validate. NOTE: This
                                  argument is mutually exclusive with
                                  arguments: [otm_file]. [required]
  -o, --otm-file TEXT             OTM input file. NOTE: This argument is
                                  mutually exclusive with  arguments:
                                  [mapping_file]. [required]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.
Validating Mapping files and OTM files

If we want to validate a mapping file, we should indicate its type. So if we use the --mapping-file option with the file we want to check, we should use the mandatory --mapping-type parameter which indicates the specific type of the given mapping file.

On the other hand, if we want to validate an otm file, we should use the --otm-file option without --mapping-type.

Both --mapping-file and --otm-file are mutually exclusive.

We can use this command only to validate one file at once

OTM validation is a special feature of StartLeft, as it does not apply to any format and instead allows users to validate OTM files generated in any way, including manually.

startleft validate \
--otm-file threatmodel.otm 
Validating OTM file
Loading schema file '/otm/resources/schemas/otm_schema.json'
OTM file schema is valid
OTM file has consistent IDs
OTM file validated successfully
    otmVersion: 0.1.0

    name: Manual ThreatModel
    id:   manual-threatmodel

    - id:   f0ba7722-39b6-4c81-8290-a30a248bb8d9
      name: Internet
      trustRating: 1

    - id:   6376d53e-6461-412b-8e04-7b3fe2b397de
      name: Public
        trustRating: 1

    - id:   2ab4effa-40b7-4cd2-ba81-8247d29a6f2d
      name: Private Secured
        trustRating: 100

    - id:     user
      name:   User
      type:   generic-client
        trustZone: f0ba7722-39b6-4c81-8290-a30a248bb8d9

    - id:     web-server
      name:   Web server
      type:   web-application-server-side
        trustZone: 6376d53e-6461-412b-8e04-7b3fe2b397de

    - id:     database
      name:   Database
      type:   postgresql
        trustZone: 2ab4effa-40b7-4cd2-ba81-8247d29a6f2d

    - id:     client-connection
      name:   Client connection
      source:   user
      destination:   web-server

    - id:     database-connection
      name:   Database connection
      source:   web-server
      destination:     database

An example with a mapping file:

startleft validate \
--mapping-file iriusrisk-visio-aws-mapping.yaml \ 
--mapping-type VISIO
Validating: VISIO mapping files
Loading schema file '/slp_visio/resources/schemas/diagram_mapping_schema.json'
Mapping file size is valid
Mapping files are valid

This command runs a JMESPath search query against the provided source file and outputs the matching results. It is only available for IaC source files and the full set of options are:

                                  The IaC file type.  [required]
  -q, --query TEXT                JMESPath query to run against the IaC file.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Notice that the argument with the IaC file name is not preceded by a parameter

Terraform example
startleft search \
--iac-type TERRAFORM \
--query "resource|[?resource_type=='aws_vpc']" \
[...] Reduced for simplicity
--- Results ---
    "aws_vpc": {
      "CustomVPC": {
        "cidr_block": "${var.vpcCidrblock}"
    "resource_type": "aws_vpc",
    "resource_name": "CustomVPC",
    "resource_properties": {
      "cidr_block": "${var.vpcCidrblock}"
    "Type": "aws_vpc",
    "_key": "CustomVPC",
    "Properties": {
      "cidr_block": "${var.vpcCidrblock}"
variable "vpcCidrblock" {
  type    = list
  default = [""]
variable "ingressCidrblock" {
  type    = list
  default = [""]

resource "aws_vpc" "CustomVPC" {
  cidr_block  = var.vpcCidrblock

resource "aws_subnet" "PrivateSubnet1" {
  vpc_id     =
  cidr_block = ""
resource "aws_subnet" "PrivateSubnet2" {
  vpc_id     =
  cidr_block = ""
[...] Reduced for simplicity
Cluodformation example
startleft search \
--query "Resources|squash(@)[?Type=='AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer']" \
[...] Reduced for simplicity
--- Results ---
    "Type": "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer",
    "Properties": {
      "LoadBalancerAttributes": [
          "Key": "deletion_protection.enabled",
          "Value": "false"
      "Scheme": "internal",
      "SecurityGroups": [
          "Fn::GetAtt": [
      "Subnets": [
          "Fn::ImportValue": "ECSFargateGoVPCStack:ExportsOutputRefVPCPrivateSubnet1SubnetXYZ"
          "Fn::ImportValue": "ECSFargateGoVPCStack:ExportsOutputRefVPCPrivateSubnet2SubnetABC"
      "Type": "application"
    "_key": "ServiceLB"
[...] Reduced for simplicity
"ServiceLB": {
  "Type": "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer",
  "Properties": {
    "LoadBalancerAttributes": [
        "Key": "deletion_protection.enabled",
        "Value": "false"
    "Scheme": "internal",
    "SecurityGroups": [
        "Fn::GetAtt": [
    "Subnets": [
        "Fn::ImportValue": "ECSFargateGoVPCStack:ExportsOutputRefVPCPrivateSubnet1SubnetXYZ"
        "Fn::ImportValue": "ECSFargateGoVPCStack:ExportsOutputRefVPCPrivateSubnet2SubnetABC"
    "Type": "application"


This is the latest Startleft operation mode where it runs as a server with its own REST API endpoints that receive one or more IaC files, process them and give back the OTM file in the response. The available options are:

    -p, --port INTEGER  Startleft deployment port.
    --help              Show this message and exit.
startleft server \
--port 5000
INFO    cli - Startleft version: 1.10.0
INFO    server - Started server process []
INFO    on - Waiting for application startup.
INFO    on - Application startup complete.
INFO    server - Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)


This command (only available for VISIO/LUCID) returns a summary CSV which contains all the source elements available and their candidate OTM type by emulating the parse method.

The CSV contains the following info:

  • SOURCE: The source file name
  • SOURCE_ELEMENT_TYPE: The type of the element in the source
  • SOURCE_ELEMENT_NAME: The name of the element in the source
  • OTM_MAPPED_TYPE: The type of the element in the OTM
Usage: startleft summary [OPTIONS] [SOURCE_FILES]...

  Generates a summary CSV file of the given source files

  -g, --diagram-type [VISIO|LUCID]
                                  The diagram file type.  [required]
  -d, --default-mapping-file TEXT
                                  Default mapping file to parse the diagram
  -c, --custom-mapping-file TEXT  Custom mapping file to parse the diagram
  -o, --output-file TEXT          Summary output file.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.
Lucid example
startleft summary \
--diagram-type LUCID \
--default-mapping-file examples/lucidchart/iriusrisk-lucid-aws-mapping.yaml \
| SOURCE                         | SOURCE_ELEMENT_TYPE          | SOURCE_ELEMENT_NAME            | OTM_MAPPED_TYPE           |
| lucid-aws-with-tz-and-vpc.vsdx | AWSCloud                     | Public Cloud                   | empty-component           |
| lucid-aws-with-tz-and-vpc.vsdx | AWSCloudTrail                | My CloudTrail                  | cloudtrail                |
| lucid-aws-with-tz-and-vpc.vsdx | AmazonAPIGateway_purple      | My API Gateway                 | api-gateway               |
| lucid-aws-with-tz-and-vpc.vsdx | AmazonCloudWatch             | My CloudWatch                  | cloudwatch                |
| lucid-aws-with-tz-and-vpc.vsdx | AmazonEC2                    | My EC2                         | ec2                       |
| lucid-aws-with-tz-and-vpc.vsdx | AmazonSimpleStorageServiceS3 | My Simple Storage Service (S3) | s3                        |
| lucid-aws-with-tz-and-vpc.vsdx | Client                       | Web browser                    | generic-client            |
| lucid-aws-with-tz-and-vpc.vsdx | DatabaseBlock                | My DynamoDB                    | other-database            |
| lucid-aws-with-tz-and-vpc.vsdx | DefaultSquareBlock           | Custom VPC                     | empty-component           |
| lucid-aws-with-tz-and-vpc.vsdx | DefaultSquareBlock           | Internet                       | empty-component           |
| lucid-aws-with-tz-and-vpc.vsdx | Mobileclient                 | Android                        |                           |
| lucid-aws-with-tz-and-vpc.vsdx | RectangleBlock               | Private Secured Cloud          |                           |
| lucid-aws-with-tz-and-vpc.vsdx | SQLDatabaseAzure2021         | SQL Database                   | CD-MICROSOFT-AZURE-SQL-DB |