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How to Create a Terraform mapping

This mapping configuration only applies to Terraform Processor.

Please refer to another mapping file configuration documentation if needed. You can locate each processor's documentation in the left menu under the "StartLeft Processors (SLP)" section.

A source mapping file (or 'mapping file' for short) describes how to find and map components, dataflows, and TrustZones in source file data structures.

This mapping file is divided into three sections which correspond to the main sections in an OTM file:

  • trustzones.
  • components.
  • dataflows.

To define the mapping behavior, a Domain-Specific Language has been created to abstract the implementation details inside the slp_tf, providing a set of $functions containing the logic around a collection of JMESPath queries that are used.

Take a look at the JSONSchema file and the Open Threat Model specification for more details.

How to create a Basic Mapping File

This section is a Getting Started Guide for a basic mapping file for Terraform.

For a more in-deep explanation, there is available a How Mapping File works page and a complete guide about the Domain-Specific language.

Minimal mapping file configuration

Some boilerplate mapping configuration is included out-of-the-box, take a look to How Mapping File works to more details

There is a set of easy-to-use functions that fulfill the most common mapping requirements. Here appear the minimal mapping configuration examples that include these functions with their explanation:

trustzones: # (1)!
  - id:   public-cloud-01 # (2)!
    name: Public Cloud # (3)!
    type: b61d6911-338d-46a8-9f39-8dcd24abfe91 # (16)!
    $default: true # (4)!

  - id:   internet-01
    name: Internet
    type: f0ba7722-39b6-4c81-8290-a30a248bb8d9
    $source: {$singleton: # (5)!
                {$type: "aws_security_group", # (6)!
                 $props: "egress[0].cidr_blocks"} # (7)!

components: # (8)!
  - type:        ec2 # (9)!
    $source: # (10)! 
      {$type: "aws_instance"} # (11)! 

  - type:        generic-client
    $source:     {$type: "aws_security_group",  # (12)!
                  $props: "egress[0].cidr_blocks"} 
    parent:      internet-01 # (13)!
    tags: # (14)!
      - Outbound connection destination IP

dataflows: [] # (15)!
  1. trustzones section defines the TrustZone mapping behavior. At least one TrustZone is needed to be defined
  2. set trustzone[id] value, which also can be used as a reference when setting the parent of a component parent: public-cloud. The id field uniquely identifies a trustzone, and differentiates it from other trustzones of the same type.
  3. set trustzone[name] value
  4. Optional: default trustzone to be used if a component does not define its parent
  5. All the matching resources will be unified under a single TrustZone which will be created in case the {$type: "aws_security_group", $props: "egress[0].cidr_blocks"} query returns any element
  6. mapping function $type performs a search along the entire resource list to return the element with the matching type
  7. mapping function $props performs a search along the entire resource list to return the element with the matching props
  8. components section defines the component mapping behavior
  9. set component[type] value
  10. special mapping field $source set the selected resources as the object to be mapped
  11. mapping function $type performs a search along the entire resource list to return the element with the matching type
  12. mapping function performs a query combining $type and $props functions returning a list of $source to be mapped into a component for each existing Terraform resource that matches those conditions
  13. Optional: set component[parent] as the Internet TrustZone
  14. Optional: set component[tag] value
  15. dataflows section is explained in detail on How Dataflow Mapping works
  16. set trustzone[type] value. For mapping trustzones to IriusRisk trustzones, type field must take internal IriusRisk values depending on the type of trustzone.
Special mapping fields

These functions begin with a dollar sign ($) and do not directly contribute to the OTM output. Instead, they specify an action or behavior used to process the source files or generate the OTM output.

$functions Description Applies to
$default Specifies the TrustZone as default TrustZones
$source Specifies the source of the object type Components, TrustZones & Dataflows

Here you can find the complete list of special mapping fields.

Mapping functions

These functions are used as parameters of the mapping attributes for configuring its behavior.

$functions Type Description Consumes Produces
$type filter Finds a resource by its type A list of resources A resources list filtered by type
$props filter Finds a resource by its properties A list of resources A resources list filtered by the given props
$singleton group Specific objects to be unified under a single component or TrustZone A list of resources A list of resources grouped by the given params

Here you can find the complete list of Mapping functions.