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About this documentation


This documentation is maintained by the IriusRisk engineering team. If you find an error, or need any clarification, please raise an issue in the StartLeft GitHub repository.

Documentation per branch

The documentation shown here applies to the latest stable version of StartLeft. If you want to check the documentation of a previous version or for an ongoing development, you can do it by checking out the desired branch and deploying its documentation. To do that, first we need to select the right branch:

  • main is the branch for the latest stable version.
  • release/{release-number} (i.e: release/1.7.0) are the branches for each version.
  • dev is the branch that contains the developments that will be delivered in the next version.
  • feature/{feature-number} (i.e: feature/600) are the branches for specific developments.

So, suppose for example you want to check the documentation for the developments delivered in the next version. You will need to clone the dev branch:

git clone -b dev

And then launch the StartLeft documentation

Launch StartLeft documentation by Dockerfile

Deploy the documentation using the provided docker-compose.yml file inside the deployment folder:

  • With docker installed from debian/ubuntu packages ( and the docker-compose plugin
    cd deployment
    docker-compose up -d startleft-docs
  • With docker installed from packages
    cd deployment
    docker compose up -d startleft-docs

Now you can access the docs in http://localhost:8000.

ℹ Launch by Dockerfile is recommended in case none modification will be done to the docs

Launch StartLeft documentation by mkdocs serve

Run into StartLeft root folder

pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
mkdocs serve

Browse to http://localhost:8000 to access the documentation.

ℹ Launch by mkdocs serve is recommended if the docs will be modified, as the changes are reloaded automatically